The Westmoor Arboretum has 63 different species of trees and is a Level One Arboretum.


The Westmoor Arboretum is an ArbNet accredited Level II Arboretum (2024) located on the grounds of the 162 acre Westmoor Park in West Hartford, CT. The park earned Level I certification in 2023.

Westmoor Park was established and chartered as an educational and environmental center by a generous grant from Charles and Leila Hunter in 1973.  The Hunters bought the land (farmed since the very late 1600s) at foreclosure in 1939, and bequeathed it on their passing to the town of West Hartford.

Since the time of the Hunters, the study, planting, and conservation of trees has been an essential part of Westmoor's environmental mission.  The oldest trees in the Arboretum date back to the late 1800s, and it currently features 130 trees, woody plants, and special exhibits.

Guided Tree Tours are given in all 4 seasons.

Self-Guided Tours are open to the public during Park Hours: Daily, Dawn to Dusk.

For Self-Guided Tours, you can find a MAP here, and a LIST of all trees here.

Detailed information and photos of each tree species of  (all 4 seasons) is included and may be accessed by the LIST.

Contact Westmoor.

Westmoor Park & Arboretum


ArbNet Accredited Arboretum, Level 2, international accreditation given in 2024 by the Morton Arboretum