28. APPLE    29. PEAR    30. PEACH

The Westmoor Arboretum orchard, winter.

This entire fenced-in area is a part of Westmoor Park's extensive community garden program.  Known as THE ORCHARD, it was planted in 2012 by Park Naturalist Douglas Jackson and Park Horticulturist Jane Gottier.  The fencing is to keep deer and other browsers away from the fruit.  It is maintained by Park volunteers and staff. The fruit it produces augments the organic vegetables grown in the Park's Plant a Row for fhe Hungry program.


Spring view of The Orchard at Westmoor Park, West Hartford, CT.

The Orchard is usually locked, but there are signs to point out the Apple Trees (Malus pumila), Pear Tree (Pyrus communis 'Williams'), and the Peach Trees (Prunus persica 'Harvester').  In addition to the 14 fruit trees planted, the Park also grows strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, currants, and grapes in the enclosed space.


Summer growing season at Westmoor Park's orchard of 14 fruit trees.

There is a small community garden just in front of The Orchard, and there is a much larger area dedicated to organic vegetables behind it.  Summer is a busy time for growing fruits and vegetables at Westmoor.  These areas also serve as key education points for our summer environmental programs for children of all ages.  With a demo farm, gardens, and a Tree Arboretum, Westmoor Park fulfills its mission statement as an education and environmental center.